Battlefield 2042 Poor Launch Reception Instigated Battlefield Mobile’s Cancellation

Battlefield 2042 down

Four months ago, EA announced that Battlefield Mobile (and Apex Legends Mobile) development was ceasing with developer Industrial Toys shutting down. While no specific reason was given for BF Mobile’s cancellation, it seems Battlefield 2042’s failings had something to do with it.

While Battlefield 2042 is in a (relatively) good spot now in terms of how it plays after numerous title updates and adjustments, that hasn’t always been the case. When it launched, BF2042 had tech issues and a gameplay loop that didn’t feel like a proper Battlefield game — something series fans loudly complained about, which in turn, led to low sales that didn’t meet EA expectations. Apparently, the AAA shooter’s failure at launch sparked the end of Battlefield Mobile’s existence.

This was revealed by Industrial Toys founder Alex Seropian, who said, “At the beginning all the wind in the universe was in the sails of the SS Battlefield Mobile: the [shooter] genre is growing, it’s a great IP, we’ve got a great team – all this was super good…In the course of the last year, a few things happened. Battlefield 2042 came out and the community reaction to 2042 was not good. That cascaded a bunch of introspection.”

What we’ve seen of Battlefield Mobile seemed solid — especially for a mobile game. It featured destruction that was even better than what we got in BF2042. Let’s hope the next Battlefield game currently in development launches to a much more positive reception, so EA might feel inclined start a version of the franchise for mobile.

Source: Mobilegamer

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