Battlefield 2042 Squad Management and Squad Orders Changes Coming in Season 5, Here’s a Preview

In the last week of April, DICE gave a preview of some of the quality of life features coming to Battlefield 2042 players in Season 5. Today, the studio has gone in depth when it comes to Battlefield 2042 squad management and squad orders.

Battlefield 2042 Squad Management and Squad Orders Preview:

Improving Squad Management

With Squad Management we understand the importance of having a smooth experience for your squad experience during a match. That means we set several design goals when adopting this feature for Battlefieldâ„¢ 2042:

  • Provide an easy overview to see and manage squads in your team
  • Being able to create, or join a squad of your choice
  • See in which squads your friends are playing
  • Easily navigate through squads

Squads and Players

The Squad Menu will be separated to give players a full overview of all squads on your team. In the menu, you can make someone else the leader, see how many players or friends are in a squad. It also shows class icons so players will know how to best complement a squad before joining it. As an added bonus, leaders can also show off their Player Card Tag as the squad icon even.

DICE has also worked with the narrative team to come up with code names for each squad as well.

Create and Join

At any time, players will be able to create or join in a new squad directly via the Squads Menu. Previously, you could only switch to a random squad, and only from the deploy screen. If you create a new squad, DICE has added a short waiting period before other players can matchmake into your squad to ensure you can play together with your friends.

The Squad Menu was created to make it easier and faster to manage and navigate through squads on your team. While before it was unclear when and how to change squads, you’ll now be able to do that at any time and with only a few clicks.

DICE has mentioned that Squad Orders functionality also will be added “during” Season 5, which confirms we’ll be getting another mid-season patch. Read up on a preview of it below.

Squad Orders

What players can expect from Squad Orders once implemented is that squad leaders can ping an objective (attack, defend), and squadmates will then be able to confirm that order to work together as a squad to complete it. If successful, then the whole squad receives additional XP for completing that order. You’ll also receive personal bonus XP for your contributions to either attack or defend the objective while the Squad Order is active. The more you contribute, the more XP you earn.

No word yet on when Season 5 will launch, but we’re guessing it’ll be sometime soon.

Source: EA

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