BF3 Beta Concerns, Post-Launch Support, and Weapon Balance – DICE Talks Fan Feedback

Recently, we published an article detailing 7 awesome betas you should sign up for. In this article, we mentioned that there are two types of betas; ones that are used mainly as a promotional tool for developers, and ones that are actually used to test the game in it’s current state and purposed to acquire feedback from gamers for developers to work with before the final release date. Among these 7 listed betas, the Battlefield 3 beta is perhaps the most hyped and anticipated out of the bunch. DICE has yet to announce the exact date of the beta; however, we do know that it will be sometime in the middle, or perhaps later part of September.

With the beta so close to the actual release date of October 25th, many Battlefield fans are worried that it could fall into the first category of betas. Is DICE just using it to promote the game? How could DICE possible have enough time to sort through all the user feedback and apply it to the game in time for it’s release?

Thankfully, Alan Kertz, senior gameplay designer at DICE, put some of our worries to rest. In response to concerns of whether or not time restraints will be an issue, especially considering that copies still need to be printed, Kertz assured us, “[DICE] will support MP via updates. So things in the MP beta will be able to be corrected.” So, while feedback might not be addressed in time for launch, changes will eventually be made to the game post-launch.

Balance is a huge issue in first person shooters and betas are a great way for developers to work these details out. Kertz assured us that DICE was on top of this issue when another fan asked if weapon’s damage and recoil have been modified or tweaked since the alpha trial. Kertz responded, “substantially. Not a single gun is unchanged. And not a single gun in the beta will be the same at ship. Balance feedback!

So, I believe Battlefield fans can sleep well knowing that DICE is working hard to deliver a balanced game, and is indeed listening to our feedback. What concerns do you have, regarding the Battlefield 3 beta?

Haven’t seen the new Physical Warfare Gameplay Trailer yet? Check it out here!

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11 years ago

My only concern is with the console servers. Im hoping the server browser actually works (and shows ping), and that there are enough local servers to keep ping times down. Bad Company 2 servers on xbox are terrible and that is the my only major complaint with the game. Being constantly matched with people on the other side of the world is extremely frustrating, and just makes playing those matches pointless at times. If the server browser removes that issue and provides vastly reduced lag then many people will be completely satisfied. It doesnt matter how beautiful or balanced a game is, if it lags then it all falls apart.

Reply to  BillyBones
11 years ago

Thats what dedicated servers do, anyone can join even from the other side of the world.

Reply to  dakan45
11 years ago

I don’t think you really know what you’re talking about 🙂

Reply to  dakan45
11 years ago

This guy makes me lol, yet again. Anyway BillyJones, i couldn’t agree more. If there is one thing that i can’t stand about bc2, its the lag that i nearly always have. If the server browsers fix this, BF3 will be a masterpiece

11 years ago

Wow. they acctually fix guns that are over/under powered before the game comes out unlike mw2. Yes I am talking about the 20 yard range of the 1887 that wasn’t fixed until the game had been out for 2 months… I was really hoping the beta would be a few weeks long starting in the beginning of september 🙁

11 years ago

In my opinion the beta should have come out long ago… so we – the gamers could input our feedback to the developers, well back in the day that’s what a beta was Nowadays it’s mere hype. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, pushing out a product with KNOWN FLAWS, just to meet release date in my opinion is poor marketing, and also a poor reflection of the company. I feel sorry for the developers that have to put up with deadlines that the folks upstairs pinned to the wall.

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