Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Will Feature Three Skill Trees, With One Being Shared Between the Web Swingers

Marvel's Spider-man 2 Skill trees

If you’re wondering how Insomniac Games is planning to tackle the two Spider-Mans (Spider-Men) in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 when it comes to their different skills, then wonder no more, as the studio revealed that both would feature their own skill trees in, with a third being shared between them.

This slice of information was revealed on the PlayStation Blog, where Insomniac’s senior community manager, Aaron Jason Espinoza confirmed that each character would have their own skill tree in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. 

Between Peter’s new Symbiote abilities and Miles’ newfound blue bioelectric powers, each Spider-Man has their own unique set of skills that can be upgraded via all-new individual skills tree. Our heroes share technology and train together, too, so we also included a shared Skill Tree that offers parallel upgrades for both.  

For those that played both Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, this is a bit of a no-brainer. While both Spider-Mans do share a number of abilities, they also have several ones that are unique to each Spidey. Miles Morales, for example, can use bio-electricity, as well as camouflage, whereas Peter Parker’s Spider-Man has access to a range of gadgets, not to mention the Venom suit that he’ll be dawning during the sequel that’ll be loaded with new abilities. 

What is more of the “bigger” news is that there will be a shared skill tree in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 between both Peter Parker and Miles Morales. These will most likely be related to all the gameplay mechanics they share, such as swinging, jumping, etc., which would make sense to share, as it would save players time, rather than have them re-unlocking the same skills for the different characters. 

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is currently targeting a Fall 2023 release exclusively for the PS5. If you haven’t already, or somehow manage to miss it, be sure to check out Marvel’s Spider-man 2 debut gameplay now.

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29 days ago

Im not surprised they have separate skill trees and a 3rd shared between them. I’ve played Spiderman and Spiderman Miles Morales, but i also play alot of 1p RPG’s, JRPG’s, SRPG’s and WRPG’s. They usually have separate skill trees for each individual party member.

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